Report on Medical Mission to Haiti Team #2, March 4-9, 2010


Ms. Maryanne Fike

Dr. Munirih Tahzib


How the trip was organized

Many on trip #2 were returning volunteers from Trip #1 (asterisks by names in 

the list below). Because of increased interest and support, the number of 

participants more than doubled for this venture. 

The goals of this trip were expanded to include:

  • much-needed psychological care for both adults and children
  • on-going medical concerns of the community
  • engineers who were eager to address housing needs, both the 

examination of standing structures including the Baha’i Center and the 

creation of new earthquake-resistant structures

  • attention to hydrology needs of the Anis Zunuzi School
  • dental needs of the local community, and eye care as well
  • classes for children to help them cope with the uncertainties around them


* Maryanne Fike, Organizer, Fundraiser and Group Liaison

* Muni Tahzib, MD, Organizer, Pediatrician

* Pouya Azar, 4th year Medical Student

* Barbara Bravo, Assistant and Fundraiser

* Rose Cabot, Nurse and fundraiser

* Tina Edraki, MD, OB-GYN

* Mark Freehill, Dominican Republic assistant 

* Jason Hitner, MD, Pediatrician

* Itanna Murphy, Physician’s Assistant

* Yosafe Murphy, Respiratory Therapist

* Judy Rector, educator, Mona Foundation 

* Varqa Ruhipour, MD orthopedic surgeon

John Amanat, architect

Noushin Ehsan,

Christine Galanido, nurse

Cora Garcellano, nurse

Kyle Horner, PA-C

Yumiko Ishida, architect

Christopher J. Keenan, MD. pedicarician

Scott Levine, Paramedic

J. Eduardo Maldonado, architect

Kira Mauseth, PHD, psychologist

Jessica McGuire, student volunteer

Tona McGuire, PHD, psychologist

Galina Mohebat, DDS dentist 

Parvin Movaffagh-Jimenez, dental student

Brian Peterkin, PA Orthopedic Spine Surgery

Yanelly Quiterio Viola, dental student 

Terry E. Reed, Medical Assistant

Safia Rizvi, organizer

Layli Sanaee, medical student

May Sanaee, medical student

Samaan Sattarzadeh, medical student

Jahan Tavangar, hydrologist engineer

Alex Williams, videographer

Goals of the Trip

1) Continue to respond to earthquake victims’ basic medical, wound, and 

orthopedic needs

2) Continue to teach a team of youth/volunteers to care for other community 

members’ basic health

3) Hold a ‘housing fair’ so locals could participate in construction of 

earthquake-resistant home building models and assist in assessing the 

structural damage to their homes and churches

4) Examine the water system at Anis Zunuzi and set up a water purification 

system for potable water for the kitchen area

5) Attend to the psychological needs of patients identified as needing PTSD 


6) Attend to the dental needs of those attending the clinics at Zunuzi- 

cleanings, extractions and lessons in oral care

7) Do as many eye exams as possible and supply glasses where needed

Projects undertaken 

1) 6 Primary Care Clinics were held at various locations: Anis Zunuzi 

Baha’i School, New Horizon Baha’i School, a tent city and an orphanage in Port-

au-Prince with 150 children

2) triage was performed, pediatric and adult care was given, and countless 

medical supplies and food shared with the patients coming to the clinics 

3) housing fair was held on the Anis Zunuzi grounds for interested locals 

to participate in the construction of alternative homes 

4) assessment of various structures around Port-au-Prince was made by 

the engineers and architects volunteers to assess the structural integrity of the 

buildings and whether they were safe for occupancy 

5)  a water purification system was installed for the kitchen use at Anis 

Zunuzi and maintenance information shared with Anis Zunuzi staff 

6) dental care given to many patients; cleanings, extractions and basic 

oral hygiene classes were given along with supplies for basic oral care 

7) psychological assessments made for various patients by doctors and 

coping techniques were shared individually and in groups for dealing with daily 

8) basic eye exams were given and a couple of hundred eye glasses were 

given out to improve basic vision 

9) classes were held for neighborhood children to help them cope with 

their unsettling situation and to offer educational support 

10) contacts with various organizations were fostered and efforts were 

combined to optimize medical care for the Haitians


Local Community Involvement

Arrangements were made for the volunteers to pitch their own tents on the 

Zunuzi grounds. Breakfast and dinner was prepared by local people, and 

volunteers saw to their own lunches. Members of the community were invited to 

the clinics, to see the dentist and to visit with the engineers concerning housing 

possibilities.  Youth served as translators and also as willing students in the 

medical clinics. 

Future Commitments

Many of the LFH team have committed themselves to a monthly return to Haiti 

to provide ongoing primary health clinics at the Anis Zunuzi and New Horizon 

Baha’i Schools and to building homes. An on-going list of physicians, engineers 

and other volunteers to help meet the immediate needs of Haitians is being kept 

so that needed supplies and volunteers can be funneled to the places most 

needed. The website “” has been created by Ms. Azita 

Shahidi and interested health professionals and other volunteers can sign up for 

future trips. On the “Facebook” site the “Love-For-Haiti” page keeps participants 

and other interested parties informed as to activities and intentions.

Items Needed for future trips:

  • Reading glasses of various strengths
  • Tarps
  • Tents
  • Baby formula
  • Pain relievers
  • Antibiotics
  • Antibiotic ointments
  • Baby Tylenol
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste, floss
  • Skin disorder treatments